Streamline filter in paraview with .vtu and .pvtu files

Dear all,

I am new to PyFR. After I ran the example case-2D Euler vortex, the .vtu files were exported by ‘pyfr export euler_vortex_2d.pyfrm euler_vortex_2d-100.0.pyfrs euler_vortex_2d-100.0.vtu -d 4’.
I opened these .vtu files by Paraview 5.2.0, however, the streamline filter in Paraview is not available. How could I get the streamline filter?


The streamline filter wants a 3D velocity vector. With 2D data, you can first apply a calculator filter to define

result = Velocity_XiHat + Velocity_YjHat + 0*kHat.

Then apply the streamline filter.



Thank you, Niki. It works.

在 2017年9月29日星期五 UTC+8下午9:08:22,Niki Loppi写道: