I am currently trying to use PyFR in my college HPC. Got following error, and I am unable to resolve this.
...... HYDU_create_process (../../utils/launch/launch.c:827): execvp error on file pyfr (No such file or directory)
...... HYDU_create_process (../../utils/launch/launch.c:827): execvp error on file pyfr (No such file or directory)
Installed PyFR and related modules one of the environment(as mentioned in the installation procedure of pyfr ) and activated it by following function: source /home/PyFR/pyfr-venv/bin/activate
I have added the install location of pyfr as path (as I don’t know where exactly the pyfr executable file is).
when I did echo $PATH, got following paths
I think I can only see the paths which were provided earlier (in the image of previous comment), after executing your command.
Can I know where exactly the PyFR executable file would be, after doing pip install pyfr?
I just gave the installation location of PyFR as my path till now.
Currently trying to do Euler test case example provided in PyFR website.
This is the command,
$MPIEXEC $FLAGS_MPI_BATCH pyfr run -b cuda -p 2d-euler-vortex.pyfrm 2d-euler-vortex.ini ""
in order to use cuda within pyfr interactively I was recommend to connect to one of the GPU frontends in the cluster, so replaced “mpiexec” with “$MPIEXEC $FLAGS_MPI_BATCH” as per our IT team suggestion.
It did show an error when I replaced the path with /home/…/PyFR/pyfr-venv/bin/python for some reason.
So, I created a new virtual env with following command python3 -m virtualenv pyfr (provided in the pyfr installation page) it has python 3.6.8 when checked.
executed python test command with new virtual env, got the expected output with the path /home/..../pyfr/pyfr/bin/python.
now, when I ran the code with /home/..../pyfr/pyfr/bin/pyfr (after installation of pyfr in virtual env) gave an error, as shown in below image.