Hi, I just downloaded PyFR 2.0.1 and am trying to setup SCOTCH to partition my meshes. I am continuously running across an error for both the test case given: python -c “from ctypes import CDLL; CDLL(‘${PYFR_SCOTCH_LIBRARY_PATH}’)” and for the partition command: pyfr partition -p scotch 2 taylor-green2.pyfrm scotch-p/ . Here is the error: …/scotch-v7.0.4/lib/libscotch.so: undefined symbol: gzclose
I have tried editing the Makefile.inc file when making Scotch (I am on cluster computer I don’t have any sudo access) which looks like:
LIB = .so
OBJ = .o
MAKE = make
AR = gcc
ARFLAGS = -shared -o
CAT = cat
CCS = gcc
CCP = mpicc
CCD = gcc
CLIBFLAGS = -shared -fPIC
LDFLAGS = -L/opt/mvapich2/intel/19.0/2.3.3/lib -L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib64 -lz -lm -lrt -pthread -Xlinker --no-as-needed
CP = cp
FLEX = flex
LN = ln
MKDIR = mkdir -p
MV = mv
RANLIB = echo
BISON = bison
Any sort of help on this is very much appreciated. Thank you.