PyFR2.0.0 partition error with scotch-v7.0.4

Hi everyone,
Recently I’m trying to partition the test cases’ mesh in PyFR-2.0.0 with scotch-v7.0.4, but trouble happens when I input command pyfr partition -p scotch -e quad:3 -e trti:1 2 inc-cylinder.pyfrm . , the error message is given below:

  • AttributeError: /home/ndmao/sfw/scotch/scotch-v7.0.4/lib/ undefined symbol: SCOTCH_numSizeof

I’ve installed the scotch following the recommended process on their github site, here is my installation command:

$ tar -xvf scotch-v7.0.4.tar.gz
$ cd scotch-v7.0.4
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ source /home/software/app_env/

# add three commands into the /scotch-v7.0.4/CMakelists.txt
add_library(scotch_shared SHARED src/libscotch)
set_target_properties(scotch_shared PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE C OUTPUT_NAME "scotch")
set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH /home/ndmao/sfw/scotch/scotch-v7.0.4/lib)

$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/ndmao/sfw/scotch/scotch-v7.0.4
$ make -j5
$ make install
$ export PATH=/home/ndmao/sfw/scotch/scotch-v7.0.4/bin:$PATH
$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ndmao/sfw/scotch/scotch-v7.0.4/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Now I just don’t know how to deal with this problem, forgiving me for being a newbie at compiling programs, I’d be grateful if someone could helpe me with that. By the way, PyFR2.0.0 runs well on my cluster account without partition and parallel under Python3.10.12.
Best wishes,

SCOTCH has likely been compiled incorrectly. On a working build:

$ nm -gD /usr/lib64/ | grep SCOTCH_numSizeof
00000000000569c0 T SCOTCH_numSizeof

where you can see the symbol is present. You will want to follow up with the SCOTCH developers around specifics of building a shared library on your platform.

Regards, Freddie.