Minimum timestep size rejected after some time


I was running a simulation on pyFR, everything worked fine up to now where simulation stopped and suddenly gave this error:

  File "/miniconda3/envs/pyFR/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pyfr/integrators/std/", line 56, in _reject_step
    raise RuntimeError('Minimum sized time step rejected')
RuntimeError: Minimum sized time step rejected
    raise RuntimeError('Minimum sized time step rejected')
RuntimeError: Minimum sized time step rejected
    raise RuntimeError('Minimum sized time step rejected')
RuntimeError: Minimum sized time step rejected
    raise RuntimeError('Minimum sized time step rejected')
RuntimeError: Minimum sized time step rejected

I also tried to restart with smaller timestep (from 1e-3 to 1e-5 or even 1e-6) with no success…

Any idea on why this happened?


Your simulation has diverged. This is likely caused by a lack of resolution. You’ll want to visualise a solution file close to this point in time to see what’s going on.

Regards, Freddie.