Minimum step sized rejected and NaNs problem

Dear all,

My name is Cristale Garnica. I am working on implementing FR algorithm to simulate a Wall-jet configuration.

I created a simple mesh to start and an .ini file, but I have been getting NaNs problems when I don’t use a controller and error ‘Minimum sized time step rejected’ while using a controller.

I tried to reduced the time step until 1e-8 without any success.Can you guide me in a way of solving this issue?

My mesh and .ini files are attached to this email. Thank you for your help.


Cristale Garnica

Basic.ini (1.28 KB)

Basic.msh (63.7 KB)

Hi Cristale,

You only appear to have two P2 elements over the entire jet as it enters the domain - so it is likely under-resolved. You probably need to make the mesh finer there as a starting point. Also, the jet appears to enter parallel and adjacent to a no-slip wall. Is that by design?

What is the objective Re and Ma?

