Dear all,
My name is Antonio Garcia-Uceda, and I’m a researcher on Flux Reconstruction methods. I’m using pyFR as part of my project.
My question is pretty simple. How can I set Slip BCs on PyFR (or Symmetry BCs)? I can’f find it in your documentation.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Hi Antonio,
This feature is newly implemented in v0.3.0. The corresponding type is ‘slp-adia-wall’.
You can see on under soln-bcs-name.
Dear Arvind,
Thanks a lot for yor reply. Indeed I’m using pyFR-0.2.4 and I failed trying to set ‘slp-adia-wall’.
On the other hand, Is it possible to set Inlet BCs as Stagnation properties: To and Po?
Thanks once again.
Best regards,
Hi, I guess
sub-in-ftpttang may be what you are looking for.
Have a look and let me know if this
Dear Arvind,
Indeed this is what I need, thanks. Do you know if these are also available in PyFR -0.2.4? Unfortunately I’m having troubles to install the libraries for python-0.3.0 and thus for the moment I keep using the previous version.
Just one last thing: Would you have in hand the set-up in PyFR for the laminar test case: Flow over Flat Plate?
Thanks once more.
Best regards,
Sorry when I said set-up I meant the .ini file, 
Well, I do not have any ready to use ini.
I would recommend trying it and posting the ini file on the mailing list
if you are not able to run it successfully (or even otherwise!)
"Do you know if these are also available in PyFR -0.2.4? "
Yes, it is.
I will try and I’ll upload the .ini file.
unfortunately, you said the Slip BCs are only available on PyFR_0.3.0, right? If so I need some time to get it installed. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Thanks a lot for your help.
Best regards,