Utility scripts for PyFR: pyfrm-to-xdmf, multiple pyfrs-to-vtu

Hi All,

I have written two utility scripts to use with PyFR. One is for pre-processing and one is for post-processing. The scripts are available to download, or clone, from the repository at cgit.tourbillion-technology.com/pyfrUtils .

The pre-processing script, pyfrm2xdmf, takes as input a mesh file in PyFR format and outputs a file in XDMF format. XDMF files can be read by ParaView, allowing the mesh partitioning to be inspected ahead of the solver run.

The post-processing script, pyrfs2vtu, converts multiple solution files in one pass.

A workflow that makes use of these scripts is:

  1. create mesh file

  2. partition mesh, with ‘-p metis’ or ‘-p scotch’

  3. run pyfrm2xdmf

  4. visualize mesh in ParaView

  5. adjust partition, if necessary, using ‘–popt’

  6. run solver

  7. run pyfrs2vtu

ParaView reads in the entire mesh from the xdmf file. To visualize the individual partitions and the cells within the partitons, use the ExtractBlock filter. The pre-processing script will accept any of the cell types supported by PyFR.

There are more details in the README file (the About tab on the webpage).



It appears these tools are not longer available? is that true?


Hi Kurt,

If you are referring to:


I guess it is still there, though I am not maintaining it anymore.
