I have a similar issue: yesterday I started a simulation with the turbulence plugin on and I got no output (not even the progress bar, it was like the solver was “sleeping”) for the first six hours of simulation. Then, it started working and sending output files regularly, approximately at the same pace as the same simulation without the turbulence plugin. Is this normal and depends on the turbulence quantities that you impose, or is it a bug of the solver?
I attach here the specific section in the .ini file:
avg-rho = 1.0
avg-u = 0.3
avg-mach = 0.3
turbulence-intensity = 0.17 ; we had 0.16 0.17 0.18 and 0.19
turbulence-length-scale = 0.3345
sigma = 0.7 ; default value
centre = (-20, -2.5, -21.875)
y-dim = 55
z-dim = 43.75
rot-axis = (0, 0, 1)
rot-angle = 0.0
Thank you in advance!
Kind regards,