Hi all,
I have spent today looking into getting PyFR ported over to Python 3.
As Python 2.7 is in maintenance mode this has been a long-term objective
for a while now. My last attempt at this was around a year ago and
unfortunately several issues with our dependencies prevented us from
moving forwards.
This time I have had some more success. After patching pytools and
changing ~250 lines of PyFR I have got us working under Python 3.3.
There is a kludge or two related to how NumPy handles the 'S' data type
in Python 3 (it is a byte array as opposed to a string) but this is
something which I expect the new file format to resolve.
I am therefore proposing that version 0.3 of PyFR will be based -- quite
aptly -- on Python 3.3 with there being no backwards support for Python 2.7.
Regards, Freddie.