Python 3

Hi all,

I have spent today looking into getting PyFR ported over to Python 3.
As Python 2.7 is in maintenance mode this has been a long-term objective
for a while now. My last attempt at this was around a year ago and
unfortunately several issues with our dependencies prevented us from
moving forwards.

This time I have had some more success. After patching pytools and
changing ~250 lines of PyFR I have got us working under Python 3.3.
There is a kludge or two related to how NumPy handles the 'S' data type
in Python 3 (it is a byte array as opposed to a string) but this is
something which I expect the new file format to resolve.

I am therefore proposing that version 0.3 of PyFR will be based -- quite
aptly -- on Python 3.3 with there being no backwards support for Python 2.7.

Regards, Freddie.

This makes sense to me.

Dr Peter Vincent MSci ARCS DIC PhD
Senior Lecturer and EPSRC Early Career Fellow
Department of Aeronautics
Imperial College London
South Kensington

twitter: @Vincent_Lab

For those that are interested I have pushed my work onto a branch:

It does, however, require the latest git master of pytools to work.

Regards, Freddie.