I'd like to ask you whether PyFR is able to output the solution on
specific boundaries, such as pressure on a solid boundary.
I know with the "[soln-plugin-sampler]" one can output the solution
at specific locations, but it'd be tedious to define the boudnary
point by point.
If there's not such capability in PyFR, Could you please tell me
how you normally do it? Perhaps directly in Paraview?
It depends what you wish to do with the pressure on the boundary.
PyFR has a [soln-plugin-fluidforce] plugin that can integrate up
forces (pressure + viscous) on a given boundary. This may be what
you're looking for.
Currently, however, dumping the raw data on a boundary is not
possible. It should be possible to accomplish this using a plugin,
though. For the moment the easiest -- although not necessarily the
most efficient -- solution is to dump out the entire volume and then
use ParaView to obtain the solution on the boundaries of interest.
It should not be too hard to write a plugin to accomplish this.
However, PyFR does not currently have a standardised format for
writing out data on boundaries to disk (unlike for volume data).