Hello, everyone.
I would like to ask if it is possible to restart a calculation to use a new ini
For example, I was using 2nd order NS equations and restarted to use 3rd order NS equations.
Hello, everyone.
I would like to ask if it is possible to restart a calculation to use a new ini
For example, I was using 2nd order NS equations and restarted to use 3rd order NS equations.
Yes, see:
pyfr restart --help
usage: pyfr restart [-h] --backend {cuda,hip,metal,opencl,openmp} mesh soln [cfg]
positional arguments:
mesh mesh file
soln solution file
cfg new config file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--backend {cuda,hip,metal,opencl,openmp}, -b {cuda,hip,metal,opencl,openmp}
backend to use
where you will see a third optional argument [cfg]
whose description is new config file.
Regards, Freddie.
Thank you very much. That’s a very useful approach.
Regards, Wgbb.