Hello everyone,
I am working with the PyFR and need to understand how to set values in the config file that might have physical relevance. In particular, I am looking at the paper Iyer et al (2021) and I am adopting the geometry for a low-pressure turbine from http://www-g.eng.cam.ac.uk/whittle/T106/Start.html.
I anticipate that I am not an expert on turbines. My question is probably silly but I need to understand on what physical condition I may set CPT = 3.5 at the wall of the LPT. In other words, what values of the temperature T and of the specific heat cp I should consider in order to set this value for CPT? I know that the PyFR code is meant to work agnostically from the units but knowing how to set the aforementioned values might allow us to set the other parameters for BCs and ICs accordingly.
Thank you for all the hints you might give me.
Federico Cipolletta.