I’m trying run Pyfr on Rhel8.5.
The other packages versions:
Python 3.9.16
gcc-8.5.0 (RHEL8.5 Default)
PyFR 1.15.0 (install ed with Pip)
I built the libxsmm from source with documentation and when ı run
“mpiexec -n 8 pyfr -b openmp -p euler-vortex.pyfrm euler-vortex.ini”
I’m getting the error.
“AttributeError: /home/libxsmm/libxsmm-1.17/lib/libxsmm.so: undefined symbol: libxsmm_fsspmdm_create”
With PyFR-1.12.0 ı don’t get any error with same configuration.
Is there something i’m missing?
I tried build the libxsmm on the local disk and share storage. The result is same.