Hi guys!
My Airfoil simulation is running, and everything looks good. However, when opening it in ParaView i only have NaN values. I checked my simulation by printing the forces on the airfoil (soln-plugin-fluidforce-airfoil), and they are all NaN. I have uploaded my case, and i am very thankfull for any tips!
Any ideas on why this is happening?
Airfoil.ini (1.29 KB)
Hi Stian
if you see any NaN, i.e. not-a-number, it means that your simulation has diverged and you do not have a valid solution.
You should start from scratch. Try decreasing the dt, or the polynomial order or both.
Tried with dt= 0,000001, and 1.st order as well. No luck there!
Any other suggestion?
Thanks for helping!
tirsdag 24. mars 2020 15.18.57 UTC+1 skrev Giorgio Giangaspero følgende: