Max nnz for GiMMiK kernels?

When using hex elements with order say 4 or 5, the number of non-zeros in the GiMMiK kernels gets quite high.

E.g., with n=4, tgradpcoru_upts [hex] appears to get 1819 non-zeros from 46875 entries (i.e. about 4% non-zeros)

Just wondering, for high-order 3d runs, what’s an appropriate way to replace the GiMMiK kernels with more normal matrix multiplication?

PS: even with 1819 non-zeros, the hard-wired (const) GiMMiK kernels appear to run fine, but at some point I guess the number of registers required must outweigh the cost of loading the const mats from memory?

From class CUDAGiMMiKKernels(CUDAKernelProvider):
# Check that A is reasonably sparse
if np.count_nonzero(a.get()) > self.max_nnz:
raise NotSuitableError('Matrix too dense for GiMMiK')

default self.max_nnz: [512]

thanks for any pointers,


When using hex elements with order say 4 or 5, the number of non-zeros in the GiMMiK kernels gets quite high.

E.g., with n=4, tgradpcoru_upts [hex] appears to get 1819 non-zeros from 46875 entries (i.e. about 4% non-zeros)

Just wondering, for high-order 3d runs, what's an appropriate way to replace the GiMMiK kernels with more normal matrix multiplication?

PS: even with 1819 non-zeros, the hard-wired (const) GiMMiK kernels appear to run fine, but at some point I guess the number of registers required must outweigh the cost of loading the const mats from memory?

From class CUDAGiMMiKKernels(CUDAKernelProvider):

     \# Check that A is reasonably sparse
     if np\.count\_nonzero\(a\.get\(\)\) > self\.max\_nnz:
         raise NotSuitableError\('Matrix too dense for GiMMiK'\)

default self.max_nnz: [512]

If you wish to disable GiMMiK you can place the key

  gimmik-max-nnz = 0

into the [backend-<your backed>] section of the config file. This will cause GiMMiK to raise the NotSuitableError you showed above, and thus result in the multiplication being handled by dense BLAS.

The point at which GiMMiK becomes unprofitable depends heavily on the form of the matrices, which backend you are using, and the hardware you are running on. In retrospect, 512 is probably a tad on the low side -- at least for matrices which are sparse. Although, saying that, for matrices which are dense 512 is sometimes on the high side.

Regards, Freddie.

Hi Freddie - thanks for the tip!

I checked the const op mats for hex with order=5:

Some are (N,N) = (216,216), with 6 non-zeros per row (nnz=1296, 3%)
One is (3N,N) = (648, 216), with 6 non-zeros per row (nnz=3888, 3%)
One is (N,3
N) = (216,648), with 18 non-zeros per row (nnz=3888, 3%)
One is (N,N) = (216,216), with 2 non-zeros per row (nnz=432, 1%)

Backend is CUDA. As an exercise, I’ll try a kernel with each thread accumulating one sparse dot product (6 or 18 madds).

thanks - Nigel