Integration in the whole domain

Hi all,

I’m a first year PhD student and interested in calculating the volume integrals of expressions like (u.u + v.v + w.w) in the whole domain of Taylor-Green vortex problem.
I’d like to do it within PyFR because I found that if I write the results and do the integrals in say, Paraview thereafter, the values dependent strongly on the level of interpolation during pyfr export (-d option). And if I do very fine interpolation the .vtu files become huge!

Has anyone done these volume integrals before? If yes, could you share the “plugin” please? If no, could someone point me towards the starting point within the code, for example fetching the mesh, solutions and the quadrature rules?

Any help is highly appreciated.

Vishal Saini
Loughborough University

Thanks Niki for help. I’ll try out the script that works on uniform grids.


Since this topic was raised there is now an integration plugin available on the PyFR/develop branch.