Hi Frank,
Currently there is no functionality to add a passive scalar just with the .ini file.
I have not tried this, but it should not be too difficult to "hack" the functionality in.
In solvers/aceuler/elements.py class BaseACFluidElements(object) you can add an additional variable, such as T. You need to add it to the end of all varmap and dualcoeff dictionaries, for example
privarmap = {2: ['p', 'u', 'v', 'T'],
3: ['p', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'T']}
This variable will be addressed with the index ${nvars-1} (last index) in the mako templates which set the fluxes.
In solvers/aceuler/kernels/flux.mako you can write the convective flux for your passive scalar
% for i in range(ndims):
f[${i}][${nvars-1}] = s[${nvars-1}]*v[${i}];
% endfor
In solvers/acnavstokes/kernels/flux.mako you can write the diffusive flux
% for i in pyfr.ndrange(ndims):
fout[${i}][${nvars-1}] += -${c['diff']}*grad_uin[${i}][${nvars-1}]; #you can enter value for diff in the inifile under constants section
% endfor
Then you need to add the scalar to the existing boundary conditions. For example, a given value at the inlet
ur[${nvars-1}] = ${c['T']};
For extrapolation at outlet/walls you can add this line to the respective mako files.
ur[${nvars-1}] = ul[${nvars-1}];
Off the top of my head, these lines should do it. I am happy to help if you want to try it.