How to debug PyFR step by step?

Dear all,
I recently installed PyFR with pip install pyfr==1.9.0 and opened the files of pyfr as a project in Spyder (anaconda in windows 10). Is it possible to run a simple example and debug it step by step? I want to know the code structure and data types in details.

Yes. That should be possible. In fact you do not even need to do
explicitly install PyFR; it is more than happy to run from its source
directory so long as all of the dependencies are available.

Regards, Freddie.

That is very powerful. There may exists some errors about the dependent modules in windows 10. I am very happy to achieve it in ubuntu.

Dear Freddie,
Is it possible to debug PyFR with multi-cores/ranks? Someone said that python debug was limited in one core/rank.