Gradients without writing to disk

Hi @fdw and @WillT,

Re: gradient-export, and competing with this: Euler Mach 3 flow - YouTube

I just tried a pre-release version of @tdzanic’s entropy filter and got this:

Euler Mach 3 flow (Google folder with m3_gmsh.geo, m3.ini, frame and movie)

Allowing for Freddie’s point on discontinuity, the old “-g” export option gives a useable result. But (as with original post) to streamline runtime viz of hundreds of movie frames, is it possible to make a compute_grads() routine for Euler.baseadvec.system?

Or even better: is there some point in a full RK4 step of compressible Euler where we could calculate this gradient data from the existing vect_upts array?

Something like a cons_to_pri(), then vect_grads = (rcpdjac * smats * vect_upts)?
