Continuous gradients at the interface


is there any possibility to obtain continuous gradients and continuous solutions at elements interface in PyFR? If so which steps one should follow?
I was running the PyFR test case double mach reflections and I get the solution below (density, figure 1). It is “blocky” and if I compute the gradients in paraview the gradients edges are clearly visible (density gradients)


In general, no. PyFR is based around a discontinuous numerical scheme and so (at least in 2D and 3D) we never construct or deal with continuous solutions or gradients.

In terms of post-processing I would suggest using the sub-division option of the exporter (-d). Then in ParaView you can clean things up a bit using the clean to grid filter.

Regards, Freddie.

Thanks for the answer, wouldn’t it be possible to use a CG formulation for the output?


In theory one could use a CG code to project the solution onto a continuous space. However, this requires a CG code to do the reconstruction and for real-world applications it confers no benefit in terms of data analysis; pettier pictures but not better science.

Regards, Freddie.