According to the user guide, I ran the couette_flow_2d example and saw
an output like below
mahmood@orca:\~$ cp \-r /opt/PyFR\-1\.7\.5/examples/couette\_flow\_2d/ \.
mahmood@orca:\~$ cd couette\_flow\_2d/
mahmood@orca:couette\_flow\_2d$ pyfr import couette\_flow\_2d\.msh
FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from
\`float\` to \`np\.floating\` is deprecated\. In future, it will be treated
as \`np\.float64 == np\.dtype\(float\)\.type\`\.
from \.\_conv import register\_converters as \_register\_converters
mahmood@orca:couette\_flow\_2d$ ls
couette\_flow\_2d\.ini couette\_flow\_2d\.msh couette\_flow\_2d\.pyfrm
mahmood@orca:couette\_flow\_2d$ which pyfr
mahmood@orca:couette\_flow\_2d$ pyfr run \-b cuda \-p
couette\_flow\_2d\.pyfrm couette\_flow\_2d\.ini
FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from
\`float\` to \`np\.floating\` is deprecated\. In future, it will be treated
as \`np\.float64 == np\.dtype\(float\)\.type\`\.
from \.\_conv import register\_converters as \_register\_converters
100\.0% \[=================================================>\] 4\.00/4\.00
ela: 00:03:35 rem: 00:00:00
Couple of things:
- Only one cpu core was 100%.
- GPU utilization according to nvidia-smi was about 30%.
Is that normal?