Extrapolate Variables to Flux Points on Faces

Dear All,

My name is Antonio Garcia-Uceda, and I’m working on Flux Reconstruction. I have the following question:

In pyFR, when we extrapolate the solution from Solution Points in Cells to Flux Points on Faces, Is this carried out over primitive variables (rho, u, v, w, p) or conserved variables (rho, rhou, rhov, rhow, rhoE)? In the second case, Are this variables also multiplied by the Determinant of the Jacobian computed at the solution point, i.e. bar state is indicated in FR literature (Jrho, Jrhou, Jrhov, Jrhow, JrhoE)?

Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards,

PS: Congratulations for your recent release.

PyFR works exclusively in terms of conservative variables. Details on
the transformations can be found in our paper


specifically equations 6, 12, 10, and 11.

Regards, Freddie.

Dear Freddie,

Thank you very much for the reference. As I see the only time you utilise the Determinant of the Jacobian is when updating the solution in time. In the extrapolation to Face Flux points it does not intervene, right?

Best regards,

Yes, correct. The physical solution is stored at the solution points and extrapolated to the flux points.

