Hi, I am trying to reproduce a study of active flow control of the flow over a 2D cylinder with 2 jets positioned at ±90 degrees. I am solving the compressible NS equations for now. As a start, I set the boundary conditions for the jet as, for example,
type = sub-in-frv
theta = atan2(y,x) ; theta, not used for now
omega = 10*pi/180 ; jet width in radians
theta0_top = 90*pi/180 ; center of jet
R = 0.5 ; radius of cylinder
rho = rhoc
u = 0.09 / (%(omega)s*%(R)s*%(R)s) * x
v = 0.09 / (%(omega)s*%(R)s*%(R)s) * y
p = rhoc/(M*M*gamma) ; T = 1
where the “0.09” value is supposed to be the mass flow rate. With steady blowing, I get some result like the following:
The next step is to change the “0.09” value to be a function that will change at different time steps, involving one or two values inferred from a neural network. For now, say instead of 0.09, we obtain mdot (mass flow rate) from a neural network as an output. Furthermore, at the same time, we also need to feed some input to the neural network in form of primitive variables at some chosen locations (essentially similar to what the sampler plugin does). Can someone point me to the files that I could begin to modify in the source code to achieve this? Any additional advice is welcome.
TL;DR : I am seeking advice in modifying the source code to make expressions used in the setting the boundary condition to be not only a function of space and time, but a function of some parameters that would be inferred from a neural network.