Documentation Moved

With the release of version 1.12, the documentation moved from the pyfr website to a dedicated site.

We are still using Sphinx and rst for the documentation itself, but there are some changes that mean we will not be able to make available online documentation of older PyFR versions. If you need documentation locally or want to read the documentation for an older version you can follow these steps in a Linux environment:

  1. Change directory to the docs:
    $ cd /some/path/PyFR/doc/
  2. Install the requirements:
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Build the HTML documentation:
    $ make clean html
  4. View the documentation:
    $ firefox build/html/index.html

Similarly, this procedure can be used to test changes to documentation before pushing them. Also when updating the documentation, to reduce the build time, wherever possible mock python dependencies in, rather than adding them to requirements.txt.