I’m having issues where often when ascent plugin is active my simulation freezes.
Could you give some more insights on how you compiled it for the HIP backend and with which version did you perform your tests? I’m currently using version v=0.9.2 for the conduit backend.
No. The plugin has to copy all of the data back to the host anyway so there is little advantage to enabling the (somewhat buggy) support for CUDA and HIP in Ascent.
could you please list all the steps you do for running on a HIP cluster? I cannot troubleshoot the issue with my current installation and no errors or whatever appear therefore it’s very hard to understand what’s happening.
I listed the one step above: enable_mpi=ON ./build_ascent.sh That is it. If you have having issues I would suggest seeing if built-in test suite which comes with Ascent works. It can also be helpful to use the latest Git branch of Ascent.